The Penn State Langan LaunchBox is sponsoring an Idea Challenge for Penn State Berks students. Students can submit ideas as individuals or as teams and submissions can include concepts for businesses and services. Three entries will be awarded $100 each. The deadline for submission is Nov. 10.
Students from Penn State Berks, Abington and Lehigh Valley learned lessons in entrepreneurship from Aniyia Williams, who gave a talk at Berks on Oct. 11.
Two student entrepreneurs from Penn State Berks were recently invited to make a presentation on their company to Penn State President Eric Barron at the Schreyer House for the President’s annual football tailgate event.
An enthusiastic group of about 75 community leaders; city and county officials; Penn State Berks faculty, staff and students; and Penn State Health St. Joseph physicians and administrators, participated in a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour of the Langan LaunchBox, a signature social entrepreneurship and business accelerator program established with a $50,000 grant from the Invent Penn State Initiative.
Eric M. Miller, a sophomore mechanical engineering major at Penn State Berks, qualified for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D Challenge for a lightweight, low-cost, longer-lasting and fully mobile lower-leg prosthetic he is designing and creating based on his interest in biomechanics.
The Flemming Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Center will hold a Creativity and Entrepreneurship Workshop for Reading School District middle school students enrolled in the Penn State Educational Partnership Program on March 1. This program will bring PEPP students to Penn State Berks for the day with the purpose of introducing them to entrepreneurship.
Community members and county officials joined Penn State Berks faculty, staff and students, as well as Penn State Health St. Joseph physicians and administrators, for the inaugural event announcing the Langan LaunchBox on Oct. 25.
As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week Penn State 2016, Penn State Berks celebrates the vision of building relationships between members of the college and the local entrepreneurial communities with a variety of events on campus the week of Nov. 13–19. The campus has several lectures planned for aspiring student entrepreneurs and one event is open to the public.
The Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development (CEED) Center at Penn State Berks will host an event as part of its speaker series at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26, in room 5, Luerssen Buidling. Guest speakers include Timothy Hillert, CEO of BenXChange; John Gatto, partner at TAR Capital, LLC; and Pam Moore-O’Neill, owner of Moore Music.